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Showing posts from December, 2013

Mari Christmas

Have a great one, my folkers! Peace.

Shonen League

Here's my piece featured in The Line It Is Drawn 167: Thanksgiving Leftovers! Since I'm a huge fan of Death Note , I chose a suggestion from a reader who wanted to see "Light vs. L in Justice League of America 1." I took this opportunity to make a dream team comprised of lead characters from some of my favorite shonen anime, plus Dragonball Z and One Piece . I couldn't get into those two series, but I know they're popular for others to identify with. I hope y'all digs! Have a Merry Christmas, one and all! Peace.

Love Notes: A Student Art Symposium

Here's my flyer design for the homie's culminating event for his class described in the beginning of the quarter in this flyer I also designed. Aw yeah, continuity! Peace.