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The Question Changes

Happy New Year! I gotta set 2011 off right with one of my all-time favorite characters, Renee Montoya... aka The Question. Thank goodness for Greg Rucka and Cully Hamner championing her. She's now officially the sharpest-looking hero I know.

Hope y'all digs! As an extra... check out my simple transformation animation. You gotta have Adobe Flash Player installed, though, to see it. Boo-ya!



Layne said…
The female Question, chin dimple and all, nicely done!

Dang, that's a one nifty animation you did. Lot more advanced than a bouncy red ball, how you do that?
mic? said…
Thank you!

It's all in the shape tweens. All in the shape tweens.

King said…
mic? said…
Thanks! Glad you love it, King!

jedispyder said…
mic? said…
Thanks, C!


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