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It's my favorite time of the week alongside new comic book day! The Line It Is Drawn is up over at Comics Should Be Good and we're serving mash-ups/team-ups of comic books and web comics! And the pieces are undeniably strong and hot this week!

I chose to honor Thor (I love his new movie currently in theaters) and Gordon McAlpin's brilliant web comic, Multiplex.

I'm late on the web comics thing, but I've sampled Multiplex previously and knew it was only a matter of time before I fully immerse myself into its fun vector art universe. This topic gave me the chance to finally fulfill that promise and I can honestly say... world, I am in love with Multiplex.

Hilarious hijinks; thoughtful, well-developed, and "real" characters; and movies that we hate, love, and hate to love! This one has it all.

I shits you not, I went through over 580 Multiplex strips in 3 days, over 400 in just the first day alone. I found myself seriously laughing out loud, incredibly sad, at times squirming, and many times in suspense. It brought out so many emotions and memories of people I knew throughout life. My favorite character is Jason, natch, and not just because he's Filipino (Happy Asian Pacific American Heritage Month!), but also 'cause I see a bit of myself and my friends in him (and Kurt). Multiplex has been running 5 years strong so you're there to witness the growth in nearly every character.

I'm shocked this hasn't been developed for TV yet, but I'm thinking maybe that that's also just a matter of time.

Okay... enough gushing before I get down on one knee and propose to Multiplex, as I'm sure others have already attempted. Check out our pieces HERE.

If you still doubt how awesome Multiplex is, read Brian Cronin's review HERE on the first printed collection, which I hope to get my grubby hands on sooner than later. It's a must-own.

And if that still doesn't convince you, you can always slap yourself with a face-full of awesome by visiting to read it and fall in love with it as I have. Tell Gordon I sent ya!

For more info on web comics, celebrate A Month of Web Comics over at CSBG.

Don't forget to follow and tweet CSBG your suggestions for next week's theme: comic book character(s) mashed-up with famous works of art!

Have a great web comics-filled month!



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