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Smiling Friends Shining Bright

What if Karolina Dean from Runaways ended up with Julie Power from The Loners instead of Xavin?

Find out in this week's The Line It Is Drawn over at Comics Should Be Good!

Go HERE to check out our pieces. Enjoy!

Don't forget to follow then tweet CSBG your suggestions for super teams, consisting of 5 characters (1 DC, 1 Marvel, 1 non-DC and non-Marvel comic book character, and 2 wild cards from any works of fiction)! Please go nuts! It's for OUR 50th EDITION!! Celebrate with us!



Phantomlunchbox said…
Phantomlunchbox here! That drawing came out amazing!!! Thank you so much for choosing my topic. I can't tell you how cool it felt to scroll down and see it. I'm totally hanging a copy of it up in my room.

Thank you so very much!

mic? said…
There you are! :D Thank YOU for the great and inspirational idea, Phantom! I'm very thrilled and relieved that you approve, my friend.

Thanks for the dropping by and I hope to see more of your fresh suggestions for The Line It Is Drawn!

Take it easy!

Layne said…
One of my favs from your portfolio this year, just overall awesome!
mic? said…
Oh wow, thanks Layne! I had no idea you dug it that much. Much appreciated.


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