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Great Gorilla of Manila!

I've been a big fan of Phil LaMarr since his days being The UBS Guy on MadTV. So when the opportunity to pay the talented actor tribute came thanks to one of our best suggestion-givers, Mike Shirley, over at The Line It Is Drawn... I had to get down!



BigMike20X6 said…
Love it. This idea was posted with the hopes you'd pick it. There was one other I had in mind for you, that got drawed by someone else. I can't help but feel a little cocky after this week's showing ^_^
mic? said…
haha I had my "eye" on the other one also! ;D

Congrats on batting a near-perfect this week, Big Mike!! Skills!

BigMike20X6 said…
Well played, good sir. Well played indeed.
BigMike20X6 said…
Hey, totally random thought... if you /had/ drawn the Emma/Leela pic, it could have been a sequel to the Scott/Logan pic awhile back
mic? said…
lol Aw man! Totally! I'm sure we'll get a chance to do more slash sequels/spin-offs again. It's in the cards!


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